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Sprinkles of Hope
Ever Since I was a little girl, I had three loves. Spreading kindness to others, making everything I touched beautiful, and trying to be just like my Gramma and bake a beautiful and perfect apple pie. I knew that in a perfect world, someday I could tie those three loves into one big, beautiful bow, but I just couldn't quite figure out how to do it.
Through the years, I worked in bakeries, I became a mural artist, painting some pretty incredible murals, and also had the life changing opportunity to love on people through working 911 on an ambulance. Each job experience was amazing in it's own right, however, each still had me longing for the other two desires. Then came the dream of a bakery. But not just any bakery, my very own bakery: The Pied Piper Cakes and Bake Shoppe. A bakery with a heart. One that would restore faith in humanity, that would touch lives, instill hope and magic, sparkle with bits of enchantment, and would let me bake this world a better place, in the way I knew how.
Little by little, I worked towards my dream, making sure all the tiniest details were perfect, and trying to find the right lives to touch. Then I came across Give Kids the World Village. An idea created by a man with the same sparkle in his eye for people that I had, with the same whimsical imagination that I have. The more I learned about it, the more I fell in love with it, and knew I had to be a part of this beautiful organization.
Give Kids the World Village is a magical place where critically ill children and their families go for one week cost-free, to get away from doctor appointments, stress, and the hustle and bustle of their daily lives, and get swept away to a whimsical land to experience fun, laughter, and happiness, all while still being close to medical attention if needed. For some families, it is their first and last vacation together, due to these life-threatening illnesses. This is why GKTW strives to make each experience nearly perfect. Ice cream 24/7, Christmas and Halloween each visit, to ensure they get one last Christmas together as a family, and activities and rides that cater to wheelchairs and special needs. How incredible is that?
It was after working alongside GKTW through my previous company, that I knew this is how I wanted to help. I wanted to sprinkle as much hope and love for these sweet kids as I possibly could. So, with every purchase made here at The Pied Piper, a percentage goes to giving these families the most beautiful gift they could ever get; the gift of each other.
I am also excited to be a part of the amazing nonprofit organization, Icing Smiles, that provides custom celebration cakes and cookies to families impacted by the critical illness of a child. Through these special treats, we get the opportunity to create magical memories for these special families that last a lifetime, long after the cake is gone. Memories of love, laughter, and a normal childhood experience that so many of these children never get the chance to have.
So I thank you for being a part of this beautiful journey of mine, and helping me sprinkle little bits of hope and kindness through cakes, cookies and cupcakes.
Does it get any better than that? Biting into a sweet, delicious indulgence and knowing that you just helped put a smile on a family's face and made their biggest dream come true... That's pretty magical, if you ask me.
I hope you enjoy, and always save room for dessert!
- Lara.

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